Beth Walker, 2003

We were Glastonbury children. We grew up exploring the festival as children, and then exploring it ourselves as teenagers. I have so many amazing memories of growing up at Glastonbury.

When I was 18, Lost Vagueness was the absolute place to be! We decided that we had to get married there, all of us!! So each of us pick a suitor and went dress shopping. We actually managed to find wedding dresses, which is testament to the craziness of Glastonbury! We procured a horse and carriage, by this point around half the girls had got bored and there was just 3 of us, my sister, Jane, Amber Carter and me. Just before we were due to set off my sisters ‘fiancé’ went missing, so that left two. We had around 40ish people in tow, my mum found out and joined us. The procession got underway, the route was only from Croissant Neuf to Lost Vagueness, but in typical Glastonbury fashion we got stuck in the middle of a mutoid waste procession. A cart and horse in amongst apocalypse style vehicles on the way to a boxing ring in a tin chapel to be married by nuns in stockings and suspenders....

I am still friends with every single person in these photos and view this as the start of a different type of Glastonbury to my childhood. We had a hell of a wedding reception!

The person who gave me away, Justin, was like a brother and sadly passed away in March this year, so I would like to raise a glass to him when we have our gate crew zoom meeting tonight. It would be the day all my crew arrive and we have a big meal and a meeting before we have to start working on Sunday, this year I can get drunk, because I know I wont have any stress the next day.