Dafydd Prodger, 2015

We were lucky enough to secure tickets for Glastonbury 2015. On the Thursday my wife, son and I set out to explore the site and headed for a favourite bar of ours (Rock the) Kasbah. As the main stages and festival proper doesn't start until the Friday, Kasbah had a nice relaxed atmosphere and features a small stage where performers would entertain the festival goers and singalongs were not uncommon.The 3 of us had previously enjoyed a set by Tony Bowen - The Human Jukebox, a guitarist and singer who has no set list but instead encourages requests and works his magic on the eclectic requests that are sent his way.

We were greatly enjoying his set as always (along with a cider or 2 for my wife and I, a lemonade for Evan) and at different points all 3 of us were dancing by the bar and stage area. Our son Evan has some unique dance moves and ended up dancing with a girl around 12 years older than him (he was 8 at the time). The atmosphere was lively and very friendly...one of the many joys of Glastonbury! During one rest break, Evan requested The Pretender by Foo Fighters from Tony. Tony didn't feel that he could do it justice at the time and so instead belted out a great rendition of Dance with me by Justin Timberlake on account of Evan's earlier dancing. While Tony played, he invited Evan on stage with him and asked if he would mind showing off some of his moves. Evan duly obliged and the crowd were immensely supportive, clapping and chanting Evan's name. At some point during the song, Evan was collected from the stage by the crowd of between 100-200 and they carefully crowdsurfed him through the entire length of the bar, to Tony's continued singing and request to the masses not to drop him. Tess and I stayed by Tony so he would know where to come back to and Evan was also chaperoned by a couple who were later to become members of our extended Glasto family. Both Tess and I were immensely proud as Evan took it all in his stride cheering as he went and remembering my instructions threw both hands up and gave the 'rock salute' with both hands held aloft as he was supported by the group of fellow festival goers all chanting his name.

He was then very carefully returned to us, where between us and some very close friends, now Glasto family forged by that event, a few happy tears welled up.It was a defining moment in all of our lives and one the most precious memories of the most special places and best festival in the world !!!Special thanks to Tony Bowen, Rawden and Nicky (for chapparoning Evan) and Steve and Ali for the amazing photos - these became our Glasto family.

Pic credit - Steve Fothergill