Luke Bennett, 2009

I went to Glastonbury in 2009, it was my first year and the most incredible experience at a festival I have had. The timing was perfect, I was in third year of University, studying Photography and Film, in March that year I met the most amazing girl, now my wife, I was care free and loving life.

Straight from Glastonbury I had it lined up to go and work at The Wireless festival at Hydepark as stage crew. I was in very high spirits, absorbing myself into festival life for a couple of weeks. I travelled down from Edinburgh with some very close friends, Jonny, who I lived with throughout University and Phil, Jonnys younger brother. One of my best friends who I have known since high school met us there, he was staying with a big group of mates from Uni so there was a big crowd of us at times.

Jonny and I listened to Blur a lot throughout our time living together so seeing them was my biggest highlight. We met a guy on our happy drunken rambles through the fields ( I can’t remember his name now ) he hung out with us on Sunday and into the evening as we gradually moved closer to the pyramid stage. As Blur started we really wanted to be closer to the front so we moved our way through the crowds, the excitement and anticipation felt in the air is impossible to describe with words.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, I lost Jonny and Phil and ended up on my own with someone I didn’t really know. It didn’t matter, everyone is your best friend in the state of mind I was in. There was a little voice in the back of my mind wishing to experience this with my closest friend though.

As Park Life started I was so buzzing, I got the guy I was with to hoist me up so I could crowd surf. As I was up, lying on the crowd, looking back at the endless sea of happy, dancing people I saw my mate Jonny and he saw me. In the exact same moment, in all the excitement he had got his bro to hoist him up too. The moment was phenomenal, we looked at each other whilst cheering with joy as we moved towards the front of the stage on the wave of the crowd. At the front, we were promptly pulled down to the ground by the bouncers. Reunited we gave each other the biggest hug and ran round to join the crowd again. A moment I will never forget.