Zoe Ayla D'Avignon

This is a photo of me and my oldest friend Clare. This is just before my 16th birthday. This was the year Micheal Jackson died and I remember so clearly being in the then dance village and the whole festival turning upside down with the news and playing his music. We were at a beatboxer called beardyman on the Thursdays and suddenly the whole festival came alive with Micheal Jackson. We had the most amazing festival that year as I turned 16. 

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She’s from Compton Dundon, a local village and worked every year on Pennard Hill campsite crew. Our formative years were spent at this festival finding out who we were and experiencing our consciousness for the first time. Glastonbury is more than a festival for me and the people closest to me it’s a place where we have come to be who we are, where we have experienced love and joy and sadness and change. This photo to me represents a time in my life when I first fully embraced what the festival could mean in my life, with people who would stay with me for many years. 

I’ve been to Glastonbury every year possible since I was little with my mother. To me Glastonbury is a place until any other because it’s marked every year of my life, it’s been a part of my identity, it has been a moment in time which reflects who I have been at that moment. My first Glastonbury I was turning 3 and I hope to turn into birthdays for years to come, in a place that always has something to teach and new things to show you. It’s true magic and I wouldn’t be myself without it.